

  • Everything Is A Work In Progress!
  • Francis Leavey
  • actions

Everything Is A Work In Progress!

Everything Is A Work In Progress!
This is a work in progress for a new piece I'm working on. It's pencil and ink and a very loose style of drawing. The choice of Charlie Chaplin as a subject is the idea that our actions have more impact than our words will ever have. Chaplin never spoke a word in his famous tramp movies but there was no need for words because his actions did all the work.

I decided to share the work in progress with you instead of the finished piece because I guess we're all a 'work in progress'. We're never quite finsished as life moves us along. In an ideal world we are constantly improving, constantly becoming a better version of ourselves.

So there are two ideas behind this blog post:

1. Our actions are more important than our words and
2. These actions are part of our work in progress.

I know for me that it's all about actions, moving my aspirations outside of my head and into the real world. I hope this humble little offering is of some use to you.


  • Post author
    Francis Leavey
  • actions

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