

  • I have completed the mammoth Project 365!
  • Francis Leavey
  • actionsBeliefdeterminationI canLearningproject365

I have completed the mammoth Project 365!

I have completed the mammoth Project 365!

Wow, where does the time go? On Friday 22nd September I completed Project 365. A full year of daily creative offerings. When I started, 365 didn't seem like such a huge number but as the days passed I began to realise the enormity of the task I had set myself. Now that it's done, there's a tremendous sense of satisfaction as well as some time to reflect on the project.

The idea came out of a sense of frustration. When we set up Fab Cow my main task was to produce work. I had hours each day to be in that creative space which I enjoy so much. As the business grew, other tasks took over and at some point in 2016 I realised just how little time I had to be creative. That's when I decided it was time to re-prioritize how I spend my days.

It wasn't an option to shed the daily jobs necessary to run a business so I had to add the time onto my day. This often saw me sitting down to draw late at night and int the small hours of the morning. Most days it was a pleasure but, as you can imagine, on other days it was a chore.

Isn't it strange how we often neglect the things that we love because of time constraints or other commitments? This is true of so many aspects of life. It's easy to put things and people on the long finger because there's always something else that needs doing.

Now that I've completed the project there have been a number of realisations for me. Firstly, I'm capable of following through. It would have been easier to grumble about the lack of time but I chose to challenge myself and I'm so glad I did. It helped reignite the joy I get from being creative and instilled the habit of putting time aside each day. Even though the project has ended, I'm still putting the time aside each day t do something I enjoy.

I'll talk more about the other learning in a future post and I will produce an e-book with all the art, writing and songs that were produced. I'll let you know when it's ready and how you can download it.

I hope the project helped inspire you and helped spur you on in times when you were despondent. It certainly did for me.




  • Post author
    Francis Leavey
  • actionsBeliefdeterminationI canLearningproject365

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